Clean & Green

Use With Ease, Dispose With Peace

eco smart napkin disposal

Sanitary Napkin Incinerator

“Turn Waste into Ash, Not Trash”

We believe that everyone has the potential to achieve greatness and fulfill their dreams. That’s why we are committed to providing innovative solutions and exceptional services that empower individuals to overcome obstacles and turn their aspirations into reality.


The Sanitary Napkin Incinerator is designed to ensure an easy and simple method of  disposal of napkins by burning the pads in an environment-friendly way.


What Our Customers Say

Hear from our satisfied customers who have experienced the quality and value of our products and services.

Faraday Ozone has supplied three Sanitary Napkin Burning machine to the Airport of India, Coimbatore Airport. All three machines are operating very good and their performances has been found to be satisfactory

Airport Authority of India,
Coimbatore Airport.

Faraday Ozone has supplied five Sanitary Napkin Burning machine to the Reserve Bank of India. All five machines are operating very good and their performances has been found Good.

Reserve Bank of India

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